Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nancy White - Stewarding technology for communities.

Technology steward selects the tools, opens ( or closes) or weaves networks creating a

Digital habitats:

Me - personal ID, interest, tragectory.

We - group membership, ID, interest.

Many - boundless, fuzziness.

What polarities r at work in the 'community of practice' / 'knowledge network' / 'digital habitat'?

Togetherness ------ seperatness

Interacting ------------ publishing

Individual ------------ group

What is the orientation of our learning community - at any given time?

Individual participTion
Access to expertise

Steward majes Tool / elements selection based on orientation.

Tools should be invisible - SPACES should be visible .

Posted by ShoZu

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Business IT online community/ learning community

Steve, Daniel & I r sold - our dept needs an online learning community. Could be the beginning of something really beautiful.

Teachers can post any number of resources and students can add their own content accessable from anywhere.

Posted by ShoZu

The adult educator : an endangered species

Anne Barrlett-Bragg.

Silent movie actors didn't see it comming, chimney sweeps didn't see it comming and now adult educators r about to cop it too.

'Knowledge Managers' r aggregating skills information, responsibility for learning has moved away from employers & learning is taking place outside of institutions.

The current economic client has deemed learning a 'descretionary spend'.

Students r not engaged & teachers r not 'breeding'. In a crowd of 200, 7 r < 30.

Posted by ShoZu

Gaming in the classroom

Advice is: If they r playing games they r not engaged and it's all your own fault. LOL

Apparently u should give them a blog to play with and they will transform into engaged learners.


Posted by ShoZu

Simon Brown - using social networking to connect with clients

Simon is a stonemasonary teacher and had an interesting story of how he used ning, YouTube & wikispaces to enhance learning/social networking. His students were predominantley young males who had exited acedemic education early on.

Posted by ShoZu

Live blogging

Excuse my spelling, etc LOL

Posted by ShoZu

Complete with bad infomercials

There's a dood selling a content server in the following way:

Play us some real bad 'Gen Y' youtube video, scare the crap out of us then take our money. Na

Posted by ShoZu


To ensure behaviour did not default to body language in the webinar environment where participants do not have that luxury.

Continuous improvement - feedback from all roles and participants .

Couple of issues:

1. Trainers tended to overtakk to compensate for the relative isolation and silence of the webinar environment.

2. Online communication tends to have a lower priority than IRL events. For example, workers tended to skip the webinar in fvour if other activities such as meetings.

When webinars were supported & sold by managers, webinar participation rates were 95%. Otherwise, 30%.

Posted by ShoZu

Webinars and the unlikely audience - Shelly Gibb, Coated

Coates r an equipment hire organisation with employees spread across Australia. Following restructure, they were faced with unifying the remaining people and business objects.

Priority became real time info and training. This was achieved via Webinars.

Webinars were sold to the workforce using language & concepts they could relate to such a IM, email, facebook, teleconferencing etc all rolled into 1.

Strategic keys:

Big picture - webinars were not an accident. Came about via a defined strategy.

Planning - all coates processes were mapped backwards to define how workers would interact and what information could be elicited.

Session design - identify resources be SME's, minimal words, every session began with a full explanation of how the webinar and the software worked.

People keys:

Participants - max of 15 per sesion to enable each to have a voice & interaction.

Presenter, moderator, co-ordinator -these roles are kept physicaly seperate during webinars to ensure behaviour..

Posted by ShoZu

Video conferencing

One of the organizers of this event is a video conferencing outfit by the name of Videolinq. There are also numerous other VC providers with booths. This would suggest a massive push for educators to use VC. Where does it fit into the near future of delivery? Given the state of broadband in this country, I am unsure about VC.

One of the opening speakers was VC'd in and it was a fairly poor example of how VC works - in this country anyway.

Posted by ShoZu

Free tools for educators & learners

Topic aggregation

Learning network

'My Desktop Toolset'

Posted by ShoZu

Welcome ceremony

12th LearnTel conference. Hosted by sunshine coast Tafe for the last 6 years. Approx 200 delegates aust wide.

Posted by ShoZu

George Siemens

Key note speaker

Posted by ShoZu

George Siemens key note speaker

What r the characteristics of a 'learning network'? Openess, learner control , belonging & trust, culture of sharing, ecology.

"Connections r to learning what atoms are to the physical world."

Learning is in connections and the patterns of those connections - how we connect to a concept.

Understanding is the degree of connectedness to those concepts.

Content & control has shifted to the learner. They have their own tools & connections often in the palm of their hand. What happens now? As we move forward, what role do buildings & classrooms play?

Posted by ShoZu

LT2008 start

Sunshine Coast Tafe

Posted by ShoZu

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pre-conference questions.

How does an interactive 3D ( learning) environment work? Social networking versus learning communities - more than just a blog? What are the benchmarks for blended and distributed delivery? What is the new (potential) context of relatedness?

Posted by ShoZu